Service of your laboratory equipment

LaboGene is a Danish manufacturer of laboratory equipment in the fields of Clean Air & Laminar Flow, Centrifugation, Vacuum & Cooling.
We are represented by our worldwide distributors, who take care of the after-sales services of our products. Therefore, if you are a foreign customer, then our distributor in your specific country will be able to provide you with the needed service.
Please follow the link below to get access to the overview of our distributors.

Services in Denmark and in the bordering countries

If you are situated in Denmark or in the bordering countries, then we can provide the needed services within Clean Air & Laminar Flow directly to you – e.g. services for safety cabinets of different brands as well as LAF roofs, customized industrial laminar flow modules, walk-in clean-air containment areas, air showers, filter units in clean rooms and also modifications of units as needed in the laboratory environment.
In the menu to the left, please choose “Service – Sikkerhedskabinetter og LAF-enheder”, where you can read about what we offer of services within Clean Air & Laminar Flow. Please notice that this side is in Danish. 

Contact LaboGene

You are always welcome to
contact LaboGene by using the below contact form
Copyright 2024 LaboGene™. All rights reserved | LaboGene A/S | Bjarkesvej 5 | DK-3450 Allerød | Tel. +45 3940 2566 | CVR: 39969238